Harry belafonte

Harry Belafonte American singer died 

Harry Belafonte was an activist entertainer and singer. He was a supporter of the civil rights movement. His age was 96 when he died.

It is obvious that in this age health problems persist and the main reason is his heart failure according to news report. 

He was called the king of Calypso after the success of song the banana boat song near the 1956 million-dollar hit.

He also become a movie star as he was also an actor. His biggest contribution is also in the field of the civil rights movement as he also performs as a fundraiser and strategist.

His activity as an activist is so much that he risks his singing and acting career.

he grew up in a poor Jamaican family and his mother worked as a domestic servant. one of the most successful pop stars in history who is African American some of the hits is Island in the Sun, Mary boy child, and the UK number one. 

Belafonte was born in Harlem new york in 1927. high school dropouts join the navy in the second world war and work as loaders. after the war he became an actor he also join singing classes. 
his success as the first black person allowed to perform in many venues. he continues to make films in 80s and made his final appearance in black klansman.in music career recorded more than 30 music albums.

Belafonte was married three times his first wife Marguerite had two children. he also has two children with his second wife Julia Robinson a dancer.

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